Distressed persons are transferred to a Maltese patrol vessel.

The Deep Roots of Europe’s Migrant Crisis

August 17, 2017

English, Notizie, Politica

– by Andrew Spannaus –

European nations have been thrown into a political crisis by the hundreds of thousands of migrants coming north from the Middle East and Africa. The number has grown in recent years, due to a mix of wars and poverty, resulting in a visible increase of the influx of foreigners across Europe, and a popular backlash that has political institutions scrambling to find a way to stem the flow and lessen the sense of emergency.

The problem is that the causes of the mass migration have deep roots that cannot be solved in the short-term; and even a medium- to long-term solution will require serious changes in foreign and economic policy for the entire Western world.

Read the article on Consortiumnews.com

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