Israeli military Rabin

Israeli Public Opinion Shifts Right

August 9, 2017

English, Notizie, Politica

The Israeli public has lost its traditional respect for military institutions, contributing to a general shift rightward that is increasing geopolitical risk in the Middle East. In a recent article in Al-Monitor, the well-known Israeli journalist Ben Caspit explains that while the chiefs of the armed forces and intelligence were once untouchable in Israel, today the situation has changed considerably. Large segments of the population have been convinced that the Chief of Staff and other important military figures are essentially left-wingers, too concentrated on the peace process and the suffering of Palestinians.

This is a major change in the Israeli social fabric, Caspit says, that can be traced back to a law passed in 2007, promoted by none other than Benjamin Netanyahu. The provision requires officials who finish their military service to wait three years before running for political office.

The goal was to remove the threat that (popular) military men posed to Netanyahu’s political power; the result was the end of the pre-eminent role of the defense establishment as a breeding-ground for national leadership.

According to Caspit the problem is that in the past it was the politicians who had to restrain the generals, who constantly sought new military adventures. Today the situation is reversed; the generals must check the politicians, explaining the risks and geopolitical implications of their actions.

– Transatlantico Newsletter N. 35-2017

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